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Jordan Kelley is a graphic designer from, Cincinnati, Ohio. In May of 2018 she graduated Ohio University cum laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design with a Minor in Art History. As a Graphic Designer she loves to incorporate mixed media in her work whenever she can. Besides combining different media into her work, she has a passion for poster designs, as well as app interface designs. She often uses photography and painting whenever possible in her work as it provides the design at hand with a variety of different textures that she can work into her illustrations. She often finds herself looking at small details of the piece to improve the overall bigger picture. She works hard every day to make sure that her designs are the best they can be.  When Jordan is not designing, you can find her taking photos for clients. Some are portraits, some are nature shots or she just takes photos for fun. She loves illustrating patterns whenever possible because it is a way for her to combine different textures whenever she wants to create something unexpected. Not only does she love to take photos of things she sees daily, she enjoys listening to music and watching the latest movies.

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship
— Louisa May Alcott